This song is the most famous song composed by Zitani Dalienst Ya Ntesa, known mostly by his sobriquet Dalienst. He joined TPOK Jazz in 1978 and immediately became one of the band’s key performers with his superb vocals. But it was this song from 1981 that propelled him to trans-continental fame. The song is indeed one of the biggest TPOK Jazz hits ever. It is a song about a woman who urges a suitor to dance with her respectfully for she is a married woman. In an earlier song, Dalienst admonished men against blaming women for all their problems. That song was “Lisolo ta Adamo na Nzambe”. This song cemented Dalienst as the defender of women’s rights. It features sublime vocals by Daliesnt accompanied by backup vocals from Josky, Wuta Mayi and Lukoki. Solo Guitar by Gerry, bass by Decca Mpudi.
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